PeopleOps podcast

PEOPLEops #13: No more stage fright! Learn to deliver your message with Mathias Durand

Jirka & Irča Episode 13

Jestli jste se někdy báli mluvit na veřejnosti, nebo jen s kolegy sdílet svůj názor, pak je tenhle rozhovor přímo pro vás. But get ready for English :) Mathias is not only a basketball coach but also a public speaking coach. He believes that a great presentation has a lot to do with mindset and everyday habits.

So dive into our conversation to see and understand: 
💡How a great presentation is connected to authenticity and personal passion!
🧠 That the ultimate goal of every meaningful conversation is to make them Feel, Think or Act differently about the topic you are discussing.
💙 That people will never remember word by word what you said. They will just remember how you made them feel.

So listen to our talk before your next presentation, a team meeting, or a conversation about a difficult topic with your boss or board members. You will feel more confident or at least understand the role of realistic expectations that can help you increase your influence. Yes, the best part of our interview is that it is not only about stage fright and presentations but will also be helpful in every conversation and real-life situation. Communication is a part of our everyday reality, so why not get better at it? Curious about what habits and mindsets might be useful. This conversation will give you more than just clues. Enjoy listening at least as much as I enjoyed talking to Mathias. And in your next conversation, resolution or wish, be more intentional and see what it does to your life 🙂

Listen to the first few minutes of our interview. If you're interested in learning more, you can find the full episode on Forendors. It can be purchased individually or as part of a monthly subscription. The episode features the know-how of  Jirka Vicherek and Irča Zatloukalová, the authors of the #PeopleOps project. The project aims to help anyone who wants to learn how to effectively communicate and work with people in IT to achieve better results. Because, at the end of the day, #ItISAllAboutPeople.

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